1.Floor or Wall Assembly — Min 4-1/2 in. thick reinforced lightweight or normal weight (100-150 pcf) concrete. Wall may also be constructed of any UL Classified Concrete Blocks*. Max diam of opening is 15-5/8 in.See Concrete Blocks (CAZT) category in the Fire Resistance Directory for names of manufacturers.
2.Metallic Pipe — Nom 8 in. diam (or smaller) Schedule 10 (or heavier) steel pipe. The pipe shall be centered in through opening. A nom 3-1/2 in. annular space is required between the pipe and the periphery of the opening. Pipe to be rigidly supported on both sides of floor or wall assembly.
3.Firestop System — The firestop system shall consist of the following:
A.Forms — (Not Shown) — Used as a form to prevent leakage of fill material during installation. Forms to be a rigid sheet material, cut to fit the contour of the penetrating item and fastened to the underside of floor or both sides of wall. Forms to be removed after fill material has cured.B.Fill, Void or Cavity Material* — Mortar — Min 4-1/2 in. thickness of fill material applied within the annulus, flush with top surface of floor or with both surfaces of wall. Type KBS Mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.6 parts dry mixture to 1.0 part water by weight in accordance with the accompanying installation instructions. Type Flame Safe Mortar mixed with water at a rate of 1.1 parts dry mixture to 1.0 part water by weight in accordance with the installation instructions supplied with the product.
RECTORSEAL — Types KBS Mortar and Flame Safe Mortar